Manchester Science Festival 2011

The Manchester Science Festival starts in less than two weeks so I thought I should do a post about it. I’m making my Manchester Science Festival debut this year by taking part in two events.

The first event is the Big Bright Club Manchester which is taking place at the Deaf Institute on October 27. For those of you who don’t know about Bright Club, it is the “thinking person’s variety club” or “where funny meets brains”. Basically I’m going to try to make my research funny along with my good friend Mark and a bunch of other lovely people from previous Bright Clubs. It should be fun although I’m slightly nervous because for the first time, a Bright Club Manchester audience might be mostly drunk!

The second event is Spacetacular!, which is part of Out of this world: A spacetacular Manchester adventure. It’s the night after Bright Club (October 28) and it’s at the Museum of Science and Industry. This one’s going to be a little bit different and I’m going to embrace my geekiness and talk about Star Wars. I may or may not turn up in costume!

There’s lots of other good stuff going on which is a shame for me because it probably means I won’t get much thesis work done! Astro-wise there’s Rocket Week at Jodrell Bank, Amazing Astronomy at MOSI on October 28, Science Spectacular at the Whitworth Hall on October 29 and you can even help to stitch the solar system. Other events I know I’m going to are Your Days Are Numbered: The maths of death and the recording of The Infinite Monkey Cage (thanks Reesiepie). Phew, that sounds like a lot. See you there!